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韓國插畫家描繪《迪士尼韓服反派角色》這個造型又美又帥,都可以拿來拍連續劇了說 | 葉羊報報

2020-03-31 動漫 1402人瀏覽


我們跟大家分享過不少IG上的厲害畫師,在眾多受歡迎的題材裡面,迪士尼這個主題歷來人氣就很高很旺,今天分享的這篇「迪士尼韓服反派角色」,是由南韓女插畫家Wooh Nayoung創作,他將韓國古早時代的一些服裝服飾元素,跟迪士尼中出現過的經典反派做個結合,兩種不同的內容結合在一起,效果其實相當出人意料,在網路上獲得網友極大的好評






▼獅子王 刀疤



▼白雪公主 邪惡皇后



▼阿拉丁 賈方



▼愛麗絲夢遊仙境 紅心王后



▼仙履奇緣 崔曼夫人、安娜塔西亞、崔西里亞



▼小飛俠 虎克船長



▼睡美人 黑魔女/梅菲瑟



▼魔髮奇緣 葛索媽媽



▼美女與野獸 加斯頓

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Gaston “Beauty and the beast“, Digital painting. 2020. Adobe fresco Actually, I like LeFou more then gaston ???????? So I love to draw gaston&lefou, But I wanted to draw triplets so badly????????, (I don' 't know why. ????All I can think of is these triplets when I think of Beauty and the Beast. ????They are a real extras, but they are weirdly stuck in my head) ????????I' 'm sad that I can' 't draw Lefou. ????????I' 'm thinking about running a series of Villain' 's sidekick series one day.???????? ⠀ 동네 엽사인 개스톤과 마을 세쌍둥이 처자들입니다???????? 사서삼경을 읽는 몰락한 양갓집 규수를 이해하지 못하는 ????????????사실 저는 르푸를 개스톤보다 더 좋아해요. ???????? 하지만 그리다보니 자꾸 세쌍둥이가 떠올라서???????????? (걔네 엑스트라인데 이상하게 미녀와 야수 생각하면 자꾸 떠올라요. 묘하게 머리속에 박혀있음 왜인진 모르겠는데) ????????????결국 세쌍둥이랑 같이 그리게 되었어요 정사각형 구도에는 아무래도 르푸를 예쁘게 넣을 수가 없어서 ???????????? 언젠가는 디즈니 악당졸개들시리즈도 그려봐야겠어요.????????

WOOH NAYOUNG | 흑요석(@woohnayoung)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 11 日 上午 5:27 張貼



▼冰雪奇緣 漢斯

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Hans Westerguard “Frozen“, Digital painting. 2020. Adobe fresco Love is an open door. ???????????????????? I' 've drawn a lot of "Frozen," but I' 've never painted Hans before. ????I think Hans is a realistic then others. So I can’t like him.???? It' 's different from being afraid of Mrs. Trimaine. ????????It was really fun to draw.???????? I' 'm thinking of its nice time to ending Season 1 of the Disney Villain series here. ????????So i choose hans. Because My most favorite is Frozen! ????I’ll take a short break and think about the other series????. (Disney princess, Disney Prince, Disney extras, LoL, My little pony, Sailor moon, Harry potter, Lord of rings, Game of throne, Marvel, Dc, Kpop, STUDIO GHIBLI, Simpsons, Futurerama, Rick and morty, Starwars.. There are so many series in mind. anything interesting?) And I' 'm not done with the Disney villain series. ☺️Claude Frollo, yzma, Hades, Shanyu, Belweather, and so on. I remember all the villains I didn' 't draw. ????????And I' 'm going to add the original version of Ursla and the Lion version of scar.. etc. Look forward to Season 2 of the Disney Villain series to be drawn someday! ⠀ 사랑은 열린 무우우우운???????????????????? 그동안 겨울왕국을 많이 그렸지만 정작 한스는 한번도 안그렸네요. 좀 현실적인 캐릭터라서 그런가 정이 안가던... 그렇지만 그릴때 엄청 재미있었던건 함정???????? 여기서 디즈니 빌런 시리즈 1을 마무리 지을까 해요. 아직 그려야 할 매력적인 악당들이 너무 많지만! 약간 너무 길어지는 것 같아서 잠깐 끊고 다른 시리즈를 한두개정도 할까 해요. 많은 걸 생각하고 있답니다. 시즌2도 기대해 주세요!????????????

WOOH NAYOUNG | 흑요석(@woohnayoung)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 13 日 上午 4:18 張貼



▼小美人魚 烏蘇拉







